We are dedicated to insuring every detail is refined; as it is essential to a successful project.


·       Project Client Orientation is the time to listen to the client’s prior experiences, their expectations, along with the vision for their new home. We will actively provide feedback to further our introduction to our construction process, and to cater to any questions.

·       Identify additional outside consultants who may be needed to efficiently facilitate the design intent.

·       Work with the client and design professionals to identify, and start the process of refining any additional design / development areas.

·       City Permitting- Submittal for building permits: Architectural, Structural, Civil, MEP.

·       Start preliminary budget formation (ROM) & Design Schedule

·       Identification of the outstanding design and specification information which will be needed during the first phases of construction.

·       Site Mobilization and onsite preparations.

o   Demolition of existing structures            

·       Start the bid process:

o   Scope formation and trade partner selection: this will be an ongoing process that will pace the construction sequencing with consideration of trade and material lead-times, along with other trade work.

·       Preliminary Schedule provided.

·       Revision of ROM budget  

·       Permits and Construction Documents: Site Mobilization- start the Build Process.

Build Process


·       Our projects start off with a preliminary schedule to provide an outline and milestone goals for the project team.

·       The schedule is a great tool, but also is a living document which is updated and dispersed monthly to reflect the progress of the construction process.

·       We use MS Project to layout the construction phasing and sequencing for our projects.

Budget Management

·       The ROM is also living document that becomes the project budget as it becomes more refined.   We provide monthly budget updates to providing the client with a transparent monitoring of the construction finances through-out the duration of the project.

Continued Bidding

·       Scope Development and bidding is an ongoing process to pace the project.

Quality Assurance

·       It is our experience that quality starts from the beginning and is an ongoing process; from the placement of the foundation to the polishing of that last fingerprint from the plated faucet before we introduce your new home.

·       Everyone within our team is a quality assurance manager to insure a broader spectrum of coverage of our projects.   We encourage open feedback.

·       Along with incorporating our standards within our scopes of work, we also provide ongoing training for our team members to teach them how to manage the trades to insure our level of quality is met.

 Open communication, and Client updates

·       We feel that open and fluid communication is key within the construction environment.

·       Our project team has daily communication and weekly site meeting to review the project status and identify any delays, trade challenges, or quality issues. 

·       Monthly, we send out the project overview which includes:

o   Current project status and overview.

o   Updated project schedule and budget

o   Open “Requests for Information” (RFI)          

 Project Close-out

·       We will provide you will an Owner’s Manual for your home which will outline all service numbers, user manuals, floor plan noting key mechanical, electrical and plumbing items for the home, along with the recommended service outline.

·       Our team will provide you with a white glove home introduction and orientation where we will walk you through all the different functions of the home.